戸島 麻貴
Born in JAPAN.BA & MA Fine Art, Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate school of Inter Media Art. In the wake of winning the contest 1st Osaka Contemporary Art Competition in 2004; the judge was artists Mr. Yasumasa MORIMURA, her career as an artist has begun from that award based in the gallery MEM. She produces various kinds of artworks like video installations, small sculptures, objects, drawings and paintings. In few years She has exhibited many video installations. Years between 2007 and 2009, worked as personal assistant of Eiko ISHIOKA. worked at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony costume department as her assistant.
Awards & Grants
2016 AIR in ISCP in N.Y., granted by Agency for Cultural Affairs,Government of Japan
2009 2nd KOBE Biennale grand prix
2008 11th Japan Media Arts Festival Jury Recommended Works
2004 The 1st competition of Osaka Contemporary Art Center
2016 文化庁在外派遣研修員としてNYのISCPにて研修
2009 第2回神戸ビエンナーレ国際コンペティション大賞受賞
2008 第11回文化庁メディア芸術祭審査員推薦作品
2004 第1回大阪府立現代美術コンクール 入賞
Major Exhibitions
2012 Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
2012 Yebis international Festival for Art& Alternative Visions MEM Gallery, Tokyo
2011 ”Fashion’s Night Out” collaboration with ck Calvin Klein Pop-Up Shop
2009 2nd KOBE Biennale, Kobe
2008 11th Japan Media Arts Fes. The National Art center, Tokyo
2012 光州ビエンナーレ招聘, 光州ビエンナーレホール,光州市/韓国
2012 恵比寿国際映像祭関連イベント個展“Meta.Morphos”MEM Gallery 恵比寿/東京
2011 ”Fashion’s Night Out” collaboration with ck Calvin Klein Pop-Up Shop 東京
2009 第2回神戸ビエンナーレ アートインコンテナ・神戸
2008 文化庁メディア芸術祭・国立新美術館
Solo Shows
2018 Yebis international Festival for Art& Alternative Visions MEM Gallery, Tokyo
2016 iscp autumn open studio, N.Y.
2016 CORPOREALITY, ARTos Foundation, Nicosia, Cyprus
2016 iscp spring open studio, N.Y.
2013 solo exhibition “Meta.Morphos”DER-HORNG ART GALLERY Tainan, TAIWAN
2012 solo exhibition “Meta.Morphos” as a part of Yebis international Festival for Art& Alternative Visions,MEM Gallery Tokyo
2011 ”Fashion’s Night Out”, collaboration with ck Calvin Klein Pop-Up Shop
2010 Beyond the sea, Awaji Flora Festival, Awaji-island
2010 3rd KOBE biennale pre-event solo exhibition of Maki TOSHIMA
gallery301, Kobe
2007 solo exhibition Alkaloidrome, MEM Gallery Osaka
2018 恵比寿国際映像祭関連イベント個展“imaginary line”MEM Gallery 恵比寿/東京
2016 iscp autumn open studio, N.Y.
2016 CORPOREALITY, ARTos Foundation, Nicosia, Cyprus
2016 iscp spring open studio, N.Y.
2013 個展“Meta.Morphos”Der -Horng Gallery,台南/台湾
2012 恵比寿国際映像祭関連イベント個展“Meta.Morphos”MEM Gallery 恵比寿/東京
2011 ”Fashion’s Night Out” , collaboration with ck Calvin Klein Pop-Up Shop /東京
2010 第3回神戸ビエンナーレプレイベント 戸島麻貴展・神戸
2007 alkaloidrome戸島麻貴展MEMギャラリー・大阪
Group Shows
2017Euphoria, oldpowerhouse Pafos , Cyprus
2012 the imaginary museume,gallery301, Kobe
2010 the blue garden,summer event at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse , Yokohama
2009 No man’s land embassy of French, Tokyo
2008 summer show dillon gallery, New York
2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony costume department as P.A. of Eiko Ishioka
2007 in*tension, Live&Moris gallery,Tokyo
2006 graduation exhibition, Yokohama Old Treasury Dept
2005 Rosa! The Exposed Color-Pink, Museum of Tokyo University of the Arts Old Annex, Tokyo
2005 Artificial Paradise, Shibuya Bunkamura Gallery, Tokyo
2004 Art as DEAIKEI-site, Osaka Contemporary Art Center, Osaka
2003 muc-tok, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München Gallery, Munich Germany
2003 Street, Ueno station gallery,Tokyo
2017Euphoria oldpowerhouse パフォス/キプロス共和国
2012 空想博物館,gallery301, 神戸/兵庫
2010 サマーイベント 横浜赤れんが倉庫・横浜
2010 淡路花博2010・淡路島
2009フランス大使館解体イベント No man’s land・東京
2008 summer show dillon gallery・N.Y.
2008 北京オリンピック開会式コスチューム部門・北京
2007 in*tension, Live&Moris gallery・東京
2006 BAS selected collection exhibition 渋谷 Bunkamuraギャラリー・東京
2006 Project the projectors 2006 修了制作展 ZAIM・横浜
2005 Rosa! あらわになる色、ピンク 東京芸術大学陳列館・東京
2005 人工楽園 渋谷 Bunkamuraギャラリー・東京
2004 出会い系サイトとしての美術 大阪府立現代美術センター・大阪
2003 muc-tok ミュンヘン芸術大学ギャラリー・ミュンヘン
2003 where,you, 東京芸術大学陳列館・東京
2003 Street, 上野ステーションギャラリー・東京